UPDATE REPORT FROM WILLIAM LEVIOrdination: Sunday, May 13, 2018, was a blessed day at the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, Bibia. Five South Sudanese and one Ugandan were ordained into the Pastoral calling to shepherd God’s flock, both in South Sudan and northern Uganda. Over 1500 people were in attendance, including pastors from other churches, and government officials from both countries. Please keep these indigenous pastors in your prayers.
The Beth Israel Farm is progressing well. This year, the cultivatable farmland has been extended 25 acres. The chainsaw operators have cleared the forest, the tractors have began plowing. Last year’s fields that grew sorghum, millet, sweet potatoes and beans, are being plowed, getting ready for the planting of cassava, fruit trees, kidney beans, legumes, etc. The cassava fields are ready to be harvested in a couple of months, and masses of mangoes are ripe. The orange and banana trees produce fruit all year round.
ONMI Evangelistic & Medical outreach: Corey from the States traveled for a week with indigenous pastors, using the Nehemiah Field Clinic Mobile Ambulance, to do combined medical/evangelistic outreaches in three villages. While Corey examined more than 60 patients who were suffering from various tropical diseases, the pastors shared the Gospel with them and prayed for God’s divine healing and intervention.
We also distributed Solar audio Bible/FM receivers to the churches in the area so that those who do not read can hear the Gospel in their tribal language, can learn the Word of God. message. from Genesis to Revelation in their own languages. As the Bible states, “Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God.” The Nehemiah Gospel radio continues to be a voice of blessing and Hope for the people of South Sudan. During his visit, Matthew spoke to his people in their own language during one of our radio programs which reaches more than 100,000 people.
Church Planting: When I and many of my church members from Tel Aviv arrived in South Sudan from Israel, we brought our church, Elohim Shalom (ELSIM) with us and planted it in Juba. I have continued to preach the Gospel, teach the Bible, and raise up leaders and church planters. Today, we have planted two churches in Juba and two district churches — in Wau and Abyei.
Evangelization: Our country is facing many serious challenges, from war to economic crisis, but God is with us who believe! He has given us the heart to preach the Gospel to the entire nation, to give them the Word of God, and train pastors who will go out and plant new churches and present our glorious Lord, the Messiah, all throughout the country! People need HOPE! Jesus’ walk on the water (John 6:16) teaches us not to be fearful, but to walk in faith. Paul states, “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me” — He is opening new doors for the Gospel!! This year, I traveled and preached in churches in Khartoum, Sudan and Cairo, Egypt. Uganda Conference: As a result of the recent armed conflicts, hundreds of thousands of displaced South Sudanese are now living in Uganda, where they are suffering much. Our annual May conference for the South Sudanese churches in Kampala, Uganda, led by a team of nine from our Juba church, was attended by nearly 800 people. Many families came to know Jesus Christ as Savior, and we saw God perform many miracles among them.
Gospel Radio Programs: On our way home from Kampala, our team stopped at William Levi’s Community of Beth Israel. He and I met for the first time—we hit it off! We will be partnering together in the labor of the Gospel. While there, I participated in the ordination of the six pastors, preached and taught the Bible on their radio station, and made many new friends. In Juba, I have for two years been airing an hour a week Gospel program which reaches many.
A few days ago, an historic event took place at the Singapore Summit between President Trump and Premier Jong Un — North Korea conceded to denuclearize their country! In the wake of the good news, however, I do not forget the gruesome atrocities being committed against the North Koreans by their regime, which makes my thoughts go to another nation, the South Sudanese, where people also suffer greatly!
Four decades of civil war by the Muslim government of Khartoum, Sudan whereby they committed genocide against the South Sudanese, caused the death of 2 million, while 5 million languished as refugees in neighboring countries. Even after South Sudan’s independence in 2011, when the people returned to rebuild their communities, peace has eluded them. In 2013, armed conflict arose internally between factions of government leaders. Hundreds of thousand have fled abroad, and scores are internally displaced, risking widespread sicknesses, food shortages and famine.
24 years ago, a young South Sudanese refugee, William Levi, visited our home. He had a clear vision for the future of his people and homeland — a free county, in which his people live in peace and prosperity, liberated from the inside–out by the powerful Gospel of the Judeo-Christian faith! Steve and I, with The Bridge, came alongside William and began helping sponsor his vision, both spiritually and in very practical ways.
10 years ago, during a visit to Israel, I crossed paths in Jerusalem with Matthew Deng Dut, another South Sudanese refugee with the same vision and passionate burden for his people as William has. It was another “divine appointment” whereby we knew that God had called us to likewise come alongside Matthew and serve his people.
In this issue, we are giving a short update on the many things that are happening in the lives and ministries of these two men. The most remarkable, perhaps, is that William and Matthew have labored for God’s Kingdom in South Sudan for many years, but they had never met in person. Last month, they came together for the fist time! In spite of differences, their hearts instantly united in their love and commitment to the Lord, in vision and purpose. They have decided to become partners and coworkers in serving their God, each other, and their people with the Gospel. They both see a nation free of tribal hatred and corruption, where the nation live under the banner of love.
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8370 South Sudanese Workers.