We wish you a merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! May the many descriptions of Jesus Christ mentioned in the Scriptures captivate your hearts during this season and bring you a fresher and deeper awareness of His transforming love and power – He is indeed Immanuel “God with Us” (Isaiah 7:14) and the Light of the World (John 8:12)! From Steve and R.K. Ulrich
2022 Bridge Thanksgiving Greeting
Steve and I wish you all a Blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family as we join in celebrating the goodness of our God and thank Him for the many, many blessings He has bestowed on us all.
Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich – Update from Sarajevo, Bosnia, the Balkans.
At a recent women’s conference held in Charlotte, NC, a woman sat beside Sandrina (she did not know this lady) during a lunch break. Amid the conversation, the lady (who is a church goer for many years) asked Sandrina what she did for a living, to which Sandrina answered, “I’m a missionary in Bosnia.” The woman then replied, to Sandrina’s surprise, “You are the first missionary I have ever met!’
How connected are we in our individual hearts and within our local churches with the Great Commission that knowing of or personally meeting a missionary is a rarity for one’s Christian walk?
As we enter the 4th quarter of 2022, the ‘post-corona’ world is facing a global crisis in all spheres of the social strata – from the threat of economic collapse to energy shortage, from educational gender activism to political elitism, from potential nuclear conflict to interrupted food supplies – with fear and uncertainty trying to grip a spiritually lost generation.
What relevance do we as followers of Christ, particularly those of us serving as missionaries in distant lands, have in initiating change? Without God’s calling, anointing and presence, we cannot accomplish the work of God. Reflecting upon our own missionary service during this year in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, we are thankful for the continual faithfulness and encouragement from God and His people.
The local churches of Bosnia and Herzegovina generally are struggling with stagnation, with more believers seeking to leave the country in hope of a better life elsewhere. This is a common challenge throughout the Balkan nations. We continue to pray that the younger generation of Bosnian believers will have a heart and vision to remain within the nation and to grow the local churches.
The annual unity service with all the churches in Sarajevo and three other nearby towns took place this year since Covid restrictions were lifted on public gatherings – Robert was asked to preach, and his topic was A NEW BEGINNING FOR A NEW HARVEST.
Through online offers via Facebook, we have mailed out 600-700 complete Bibles and Gideon New Testaments throughout the nation. No better gift to a spiritually desperate soul that the living Word of God.
The first ever Balkan Pro-Life Conference (nations of southeast Europe) was held in Sarajevo from June 28-30. The directors and staffs from all the pro-life/pregnancy centers in Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia, joined with us in Bosnia and Hercegovina for three days of training, prayer and encouraging fellowship. Sandrina and Dejana both had opportunities to share during the conference. Sandrina gave an overview of the various pro-life activities and programs of the Center For Life LIGHTHOUSE (SVJETIONIK).
We were honored to have executive level leaders of the world’s largest pro-life organization, HEARTBEAT INTERNATIONAL, to speak at our church and to attend the pro-life conference in Sarajevo. On the far right of the picture is Jor-El Godsey, president of HEARTBEAT INTERNATIONAL.
Sandrina and her assistant, German missionary Astrid Harms (who is a registered nurse), have conducted several workshops and classes for pregnant ladies to help prepare them for the birth of their babies.
Nestled high among the steep Bosnian mountains beside a glacial lake, the Christian campground Emek Beraka (meaning Valley of Blessing) provided a beautiful surrounding for a peaceful and restful week for our local church family to experience together. The forecast for the entire week was to be rainy, but it turned out to be absolutely perfect weather the entire time. Our daily camp schedule was very simple and relaxing – breakfast, workshop, walks and swimming, lunch picnic, walks and swimming, evening meal, evening worship and campfire to close out the night.
This building (3 floors) was where we slept – enough separate rooms for each couple with children, and two large rooms extra for men and women separately – perfect for our group of around 25 people. The outside terrace was used for mealtime, workshops and fellowship.
The chapel building was covered but open-sided – in case of rain you are kept dry, but you might need a blanket for the evening breeze. This is where we held our evening worship meetings – singing, praying, testimonies and preaching.
Our daily workshops were on the theme ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ – while originally, we planned for it to be only for the children it turned out all the adults participated!
Our precious sister Suncana wanted her water baptism to be celebrated during the camp week! Oscar and Dania (Central American missionaries to Bosnia) asked to have their baby boy Noah to be dedicated to the Lord during the camp.
Normally in the Balkan nations, the men, women, youth and children all have their own summer camps – this was the first time for the members in our church to experience a ‘family camp’, where all the generations are together. It was a blessed time for all.
Nearly 30 years ago, the BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL hosted the first ever conference for Balkan/Turkish church leaders, which took place in the beautiful town of Orhid, Macedonia. The anointing released in that gathering continues to be manifested through the present-day BALKAN CALL network. PLEASE PRAY for the 2022 BALKAN CALL CONFERENCE, which will be taking place in Istanbul, Turkey, from October 27-29, 2022. The BALKAN CALL will be a gathering together of 300 intercessors and church leaders from all the Balkan nations for the purpose of repentance and forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration between these nations. Robert will be one of the speakers at this gathering.
Robert and Sandrina have deep roots in the Balkans. In 1985, as a young missionary couple, they left for the region. They spent several years in Sarajevo, Bosnia, pioneering a church among the Muslims. The Balkan war (1992) forced them to return home, where they stayed till the war was over and there were more stability in the Balkan countries.
In the interim years while living in the Netherlands, Robert was the coordinator of The Bridge’s mission outreaches in the Balkans, then later, pastored churches and fellowships in the Netherlands and the States, while raising their four children.
In 2013, Robert and Sandrina set again their course to Sarajevo where they live and thrive. This is an update on some of their recent activities.
On a regular basis, they return to their home countries to visit their children and grandchildren, as well as sponsors and friends. They were supposed to visit us here in South Florida, but Hurricane Ian had ruined the route and homes of their friends on Florida’s west coast, so we missed them this time.
The Kiberia Slum, Nairobi, Kenya — Testimony from one of Pastors of the Least
Pastor Peter didn’t arrive at the DSM Bible Institute as a Pastor. He was merely an Usher serving in a local slum church. He bounced from one church to another trying to “find” something. He wasn’t quite sure what “it” was, but he was sure something was missing. Everyone seemed to be so sure of what they were doing for the Lord. Peter was not. No matter how much he tried to get involved at the church, he seemed to be disqualified, delayed or discouraged by those in authority. He yearned to be more engaged, more knowledgeable, more effective in the Body of Christ. Ambitious for holy things. But all to no avail.
Normally, we would not accept an “Usher” into the Bible Schools. For no other reason than limited space and resources. With the little we have to work with, we seek to disciple those with the greatest spiritual influence in the slum communities. Consequently, we only accept Pastors and Ministry Leaders into the Bible Schools. No congregation members, no matter how insistent they may be. It’s always a gut-wrenching situation to explain this to those who are otherwise wonderful candidates, but not serving in Ministry Leadership.
We rest in this: the “multitudes” will be taught and discipled by our Graduates in their churches…not at the DSM Bible Schools.
We do, however, make some Exceptions. Peter was one of them. One of our Graduates pleaded for an Exception for Peter. “He is a serious man. He loves the Lord. He…” We’ve heard it a thousand times. We aren’t easily moved. The answer remained “No!”
But then God… clearly told us to make an “Exception” for Peter. And we did. Not fully understanding “Why?” But walking by faith according to His Counsels. Not all of which are written down in the Bible. It’s not that simple. We don’t follow the Book. We follow HIM! God is a God of infinite Order and Purpose. Yet even He makes “Exceptions” to His Laws and Ordinances…based upon “Priorities of Purpose.” Not all of His Laws are equal. In fact, none of them are. They are all established within the Perfect Hierarchy of His Perfect Purposes. Find a “Law” in the Bible and you will often find an Exception as well. Except for these Two:
“Teacher, which is the Great commandment in the Law?” Jesus said to him, “’You shall Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your Soul, and with all your Mind.’ This is the First and great commandment. And the Second is like it: ‘You shall Love your Neighbor as yourself.’ “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” MATTHEW 22:36
God’s Laws are not to be obeyed indiscriminately. But rather with the greatest of sober-mindedness, prayerful consideration and God-given Discernment. Afterall, we are not in a religious system. Christianity is not a Religion. It is a Relationship. As such, every “Law” we apply must be done considered in the Light of God’s holy and preeminent concern for People. If, in “obeying” a Law or Standard, we violate the “two greatest” commandments, then we have violated all the Law! On this, the Pharisees and Scribes stumbled repeatedly. It continues today.
God sets our parameters. In the Ministry, and in our lives. His Laws provide boundaries. And we are not to casually make Exceptions to God’s written directives simply because we “feel it’s the right thing to do”.
Rather we are called to Pray! To continually cry out for the ever- available counsel of the Holy Spirit. Not simply at our bedside every morning and evening. But “without ceasing.” That might sound tiring and wearisome. Quite the opposite! It is restful, comforting, infinitely wise and efficient in God’s economy.
And so Peter’s holy discontent led to him being directed by a Graduate Pastor, who was then led to request an “Exception”…leading to our Prayerful consideration, and God’s clear counsel: “Accept this young man into the Bible School. It’s Me making this Exception . Not you.”
Peter enrolled in September, 2009 and did not complete the two-year program until November, 2014. Five years of intense Bible studying…not because of delays or disruptions, but because he just kept coming and coming and coming! During those five years, he grew in every holy and righteous way. Bearing witness to one of God’s Foundational Principles and Promises…right before our eyes!
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. “For as the rain comes down … So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” ISAIAH 55:8
According to God’s higher “thoughts and ways”, the “Usher” became a Deacon, and eventually an Assistant Pastor! The “Exception” was becoming quite “Exceptional” right before our eyes!
After graduation, Peter continued to come…as a Volunteer, helping with tutoring, and eventually Translating. In this regard, he really blossomed. He has continued translating at the Bible Schools for over seven years.
A few months ago, Peter came to me personally about opening a new church himself! “I’ve been teaching some people in my house for the past two years. A small home church. Now, a local businessman who had heard me preach, sought me out and asked me to consider opening a church in our slum. He has a piece of land he is willing to donate. We can build whatever we like. He’s offered to donate some material for the floor.”
What a journey we have witnessed! God knew the intended end of making an Exception to His own standard at the Bible School. If we do not Pray and continually seek His confirming Counsel, we risk missing the Highest Purposes of the very One we seek to serve.
Jesus touched the leper…against the Law. Jesus healed on the Sabbath…against the Law. Jesus gathered grain on the Sabbath…against the Law. Every one of these “Exceptions” were not, in fact, breaking God’s Law. But rather obeying even Greater Laws. How much we miss by two common missteps:
#1. Making Prayerless Exceptions under the guise of “Grace”.
#2: Legalistically applying God’s Law without considering the Purpose. Two extremes…that will crush any efforts to “make Disciples.
Peter and his church continue slowly building the structure and the people of the slum community. One piece of sheet metal…one tiny step…one single soul…one day at a time. So much of what Peter has done in the past 13 years is “out of the box.” Who would have thought he’d find a free Bible School in the squalid slums of Nairobi? “But then God…” Who would have imagined the Usher would become a Senior Pastor, and a church planter?
“But then God…” Who would have dreamed a stranger would donate land in an overcrowded slum? “But then God…”
All kinds of rules, laws and methods were “broken” before Peter’s eyes…and ours. And every single one was God ordained . Serving His Purposes according to His Priorities. Exceptions that unleashed the Exceptional!
Has God not chosen the poor in this world to be rich in in faith and heirs of the Kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?” James 2:5
This scripture applies aptly to the Pastors of the Least in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. They have the least of earthly goods, but they have the riches of the Word of God imbedded deeply into their souls and hearts, and endeavor to apply Biblical principles in their own lives, thanks to the labor of love and mentoring by Paul and Marcia Cowley.
Twenty years ago, this young American-Brazilian couple heard God’s call to uproot from living the good life in South Florida, and moved to serve in Kiberia, the largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. The assignment? Establish a Bible Training Institute for the thousands of largely uneducated slum pastors living there. Little did they know that their plan to have a group of 20-25 students graduating per semester, has grown to 250 during the last 20 years. Students and graduates have seen the power of the Word of God transform thousands of people’s lives under their care.
Peter is one of these individuals. He pursued and reached his goal through faith, endurance and persistence: to establish & pastor a church in the slum!
Kathy Veach Omer – Missionary to Thailand
Bloom Where You Are Planted!
What does a missionary do when you can no longer serve in the land of your heart? What happens when you must come back home and you face great physical challenges, disappointments, spiritual warfare, and great sorrow? Is God still in control?
Indeed, He is! If we are His servants, and we solely look to Him for guidance and provisions, then a CLOSED door is as much His direction as an OPEN door. I agree with Abraham’s servant who was charged with finding a wife for Isaac among Abraham’s people. He was able to complete the task charged him and he gave glory the God: “I, being in the way, the Lord led me.” (Genesis 24:27)
I also believe that if we are totally sold out to being used by our heavenly Father and we completely trust His sovereign will, then the path that He places before us is where we must begin walking by faith. By seeking His will through prayer, He will show us. Step by step by step! (Isaiah 30:21)
I began my missionary service as a young woman in my twenties, blessed with a growing family of four children while my husband and I worked to plant a church, and share the Gospel in the country of Thailand. Sadly, years later, we had a tragedy in my family that left me a single mom with four young children.

My twin sister, Karen – she with her husband, Tom are my best friends and supporters!
Upon my return to America in 1997, I made my home in Florida, and by His grace, raised my young family in the Lord. I taught elementary, then secondary school in a Christian school, became a Ladies’ Sunday School teacher, and taught and counseled children and youth on Wednesday nights for many years.
When my children, one by one completed college, and started their own lives and families, my heart led me back again to Thailand (2014), to serve with Compassionate Hope Foundation, (CHF), founded by Dr Al Henson from Antioch Tennessee. This Foundation rescues children from human trafficking, and places children at risk in CHF Homes of Hope in Thailand, Laos, and the Philippines. CHF also ministers to the persecuted believers, and families of martyrs, builds Christian schools and plants churches in the Homes, and trains national leaders.
For several years I absolutely loved working with these beautiful Thai children in the Homes in Northern Thailand, mentoring leaders, and being an educational consultant. Then in February 2020, a visa problem took me back to America. Although I had obtained a new visa within a few short weeks, and was preparing to head back to the Mission Field, the door was closed to return to Thailand because of Covid! The Lord went ahead of me and had, unbeknown to me, led me to safety back in America.
Then I prayed, ” Lord, open doors to ministry where you have planted your servant back in America!” I spent much time in the Word of God, and in prayer, also writing Bible lessons for women, teens, and children (Psalm 119:133). I communicated with loved ones and brothers and sisters in Christ while on lockdown.
People were just beginning to travel again in 2021, and I let pastors from several states know that I was available to serve in their church, be it teaching Sunday School, Junior Church, Awana, Youth group, Christian School Chapels, speaking in any of the church services sharing missions, and soul-winning. One pastor even invited me to go into a community, knocking on doors, to give the Gospel, and to invite families to church at a time when not many were opening their doors to strangers! I knocked on 84 doors that time, and had the opportunity to share the Gospel on the doorstep of 64 homes! Only God!! I believe that this is my reasonable service (Romans 12:1). Several pastors invited me to come teach, and helped supply my travel needs.
From Vacation Bible School, Children’s Camps, Ladies Retreats, Ladies’ Bible Studies, to visiting in hospitals and rehabs, there was always an open door to serve Jesus, present His Truth, and encourage my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
Whenever I wasn’t traveling, I would go out daily in my community and share the Gospel along the way. At the bank, in EVERY store, grocery shopping, at a restaurant, or out on an errand…wherever my day took me, THAT’S where I opened my mouth, and proclaimed Christ! Since I live in an area where there are 5 beaches closeby, I would hit the boardwalk and the sand, passing out Gospel tracts to the young people and striking up conversations about Jesus! So much fun!

I came out of the hospital in a wheelchair – weak, but ALIVE!
THEN, sadly, I contracted Covid in Montana in May of 2021, and almost died there. The team of doctors told my family that I would most likely not make it, and that they needed to prepare for my death. My family prayed fervently for 10 days, and the Lord graciously answered their prayers! After being unconscious for many days, I woke up to a Christian nurse praying over me. When she left the room, I looked towards Heaven, praying, “Lord, am I dying?! I am ready to meet you, but I think that I have still a LOT of work left to do for you! There are many who do not know you and I want to be able to tell them! Please, let your servant live!” As I spent more days in the hospital recovering, I put dozens of Gospel tracts on my table and invited medical personnel that came and went to take one. I witnessed to my doctors, nurses, technicians, and aids. I left the hospital in a wheelchair, weak, but ALIVE! My family lovingly helped me to recover for several months. God’s clear message was that He was not done with me yet!
That fall of 2021, I went to go visit my 82 year-old aunt’s farm in Arkansas and helped her with farm chores, at the same time that I was helping my evangelist brother teach and build up a local country church there. I spoke in some area churches, and went street- preaching with my brother in Little Rock. He walked up and down the main street with his Bible, boldly sharing verses and preaching the way of salvation, while I passed out Gospel tracts to the people I met who were interested in his message. Several people came to believe and receive Christ! (Mark 16:15) We ministered to and fed the homeless, and had great fellowship together! Once, after several weeks of prayer, he preached the Gospel and we witnessed outside of a witch and warlock conference for 5 hours! There was great spiritual warfare, and our lives were threatened three times, but the Lord intervened and rescued us! (Ephesians 6:12)
Unfortunately, I suffered two injuries on the farm that would take the rest of 2021, and half of 2022 to recover! I got a wound in the right heel of my foot and it got seriously infected. That led to the emergency room, a wound care doctor, and then wound care several times a week back in Florida for many months! The second wound is that I injured my left shoulder, which led to much suffering, until I had to have physical therapy for seven months. Throughout both those ordeals, I had the opportunity to share my love for Christ with many therapists and technicians! The next physical challenge was that I had to take care of some varicose veins. I had ongoing treatments in both legs, which gave me some pain, swelling, and inflammation. Yet, at least 10 people in that doctor’s office have heard that Jesus loves them! The Lord continues to teach me through adversity (Psalm 119:71).
Tragedy struck on my birthday, on June 24th. My Thai “adopted” 40-year-old daughter passed into eternity! I had closely mentored her as a Christian leader for the last eight years, first while I was in Thailand, and then every day on the phone since I have been in America. She contracted a rare, deadly disease and was in the arms of Jesus within a few days! Though I continue to mourn and grieve this precious daughter, she left a huge impact for Christ in the lives of many!
All throughout the time that I have been back in the States, I have mentored 20 young people on a daily/weekly basis in four countries (Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, & America). We communicate via social media and I mentor, encourage, share Bible truths, help solve conflict, give instruction, pray with, and counsel. So every morning and every evening, sometimes into wee morning hours (due to the time difference) I am busy about my Father’s work in mentoring the younger generations in serving the Lord! What a blessing to me! Even though I so long to return to Thailand, the Lord has enabled me to continue part of my ministry through social media! The three typical topics that I mentor are: (1) How to overcome evil with good, (2) How to apply Biblical truth to our daily lives and ministry, (as culture can make it quite challenging!) and (3) How to listen and obey the Holy Spirit.
In July, I had the amazing opportunity of going to spend 10 days at Bancroft Bible Camp in Tennessee and had an incredible time teaching the children twice a day about Biblical Heroes of the Faith. Four children accepted Christ!
Last Sunday, I taught a children’s class at church on Ephesians 6:10-17, where the Christian is instructed to put on the Armor of Christ so that we can fight against the fiery darts of the wicked one! In my lesson, we placed each piece of the armor on a child to demonstrate how we can boldly stand for Jesus!
This month, August, I am visiting my three grandchildren in Tennessee, and their mother, my oldest daughter, will travel with me to Montana as my youngest daughter will be having her first baby! I have 100 Gospel tracts already packed in my purse to give to those we meet along the way. I believe that the Lord’s servants should be ready to give an answer for the reason of the hope within! (I Peter 3:15) Our hope is in Christ and the world needs this message!
Lord willing, I hope to obtain a Retirement Visa back to Thailand in November. Please pray for His open doors! Upon my return to Thailand with CHF, I will continue to mentor female leaders, teach the Word of God in Thai, love the children, be an educational consultant for Thai teachers in the Homes, and encourage brothers and sisters in the ministry! In the future, I will be visiting many of our 60+ Homes of Hope, encouraging leaders and children alike, and serving in every way I can.
Being here in America for close to three years has only been a “pitstop” intending to strengthen my faith through trials, challenges, and loss, all to conform me into the image of His dear son, Jesus Christ. Truly, each of us CAN bloom where God plants us! We must have an attitude of gratitude, (Philippians 4:11-12), faith that overcomes doubt and fear, (Philippians 4:6-7), and a desire to be desperately used of God! (Psalm 119:2). EVEN IF I would be unable to return to serve in my beloved Thailand, I know that my Lord still has plans for me! (Philippians 1:6; 2:13)
So I have learned that no matter where I am in my walk of faith, or what country I am in, to keep my eyes glued to my Savior, my heart in tune with the Holy Spirit, and my mouth ready to boldly proclaim the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:19). In this way, I seek to use EVERY opportunity HE sends me. As Abraham’s servant said, we also can say, “I, being in the way, the Lord led me!”
From R.K.’s Corner
The two last years of Covid shutdowns have caused massive unforeseen changes in the world we used to know and live in. One sad consequence are the many Western missionaries, many of whom have lived and served the nations well with the Gospel for decades, were forced to leave the field and return to their homelands. For many it was unexpected, they were therefore unprepared to start a new life back home. My heart goes out to those who with their families are struggling to find their place in the present secular culture so different from the one in which they grew up.
One missionary who did not miss a beat, is Kathy Omer returning home from Thailand. We introduced her to you in the July 2018 Bridge Report. https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2018/07/
Kathy has the gifts of an evangelist and mentor. She found an open mission field in the United States, and she jumped right in. To be an encouragement to others, I have given her this issue to share her heart.
Stephen and Sophia Schmalz – Their Background Life Story and Mission Work from the Republic of Georgia
The Lord is marvelous in what He does. We can testify of it day after day. The Lord Jesus brought a very special flower into my life from Holland. She was born in Holland in 1957. We met each other while we were in Jerusalem. Her name is Sophia. We were married in Holland and decided to live as witnesses to the Chassidic Jewish people in Monsey, NY.
During the three years that we lived there, we also took frequent visits to the Soviet Union. During these short mission trips, our focus was to distribute the Word of God to the Russian people. We marveled as we witnessed so many wonderful people listen and receive from us the Scriptures and the Good News of the Gospel. We traveled from one city to the next, cities like Tombav, Tula, Ryazan, Bryansk, and others. In each city we had the same response: On the sidewalk, we would start talking about Jesus for about 10 minutes. Then we would pray out loud with those who responded to us and offer the Scriptures to those who wanted to receive them.
Groups of 20 to 30 people would gather each time as they watched what was going on. With no waiting in between groups of people, we would continue to share, pray and distribute time after time, until the waist high stack of NT’s were all gone. We witnessed until our mouths were dry and our strength was gone. What a outstanding time that it was! It got to the point where we seriously asked ourselves – What on earth are we doing in America? Not long after, we decided to leave our jobs and do whatever it would take to continue reaching out to the people in the Soviet Union. I worked at IBM and my wife at Helen Hayes hospital.
In January, 1995 we moved to Tbilisi, the capital of the Republic of Georgia. For the past 27 years we have been serving the Lord here and lifting up Jesus. For years we went to orphanages and shared the love of Jesus with the children.
The Lord made it possible to show the Jesus film in villages throughout the country, which became a great evangelistic tool. Due to the lack of electricity, we would set up our van with a TV in the back and share a video presentation of the JESUS film with the village pastor, often on a main road in the village. At the request of the pastors, we would present Derek Prince teachings for their benefit.
Thanks to the help of Steve and R.K., we would purchase basic food and most needed supplies and deliver them to the most needy pastors and their families to help them through the winter. Our primary goal however, has always been to distribute the Word of God, the words of life to as many people as we are able.
As the years have gone by, the Lord has opened up the door for us to reach out with the Scriptures and share with the Georgian, Ossetian, Turkish, Russian, Iranian, Jewish, Azerbaijani, Saudi Arabian, Armenian, and other peoples who either live here in the Republic of Georgia or who come to visit. As a result of things going so well, the Lord Jesus moved in our hearts to reach out to some of the foreign peoples living in Holland, Germany, and Belgium.
We don’t have the freedom at this time to go into detail. All this is with great gratitude from my wife and me for The Bridge’s continual help toward the printing of Gospels, Jesus film DVD’s, and other outreach material. Thanks also to Steve and R.K.’s great encouragement and favor.
It is and has been a delight for my wife and I to extend ourselves to others, who for the most part have never been exposed to the words or actions of Jesus. This is truly gold for both the heart and soul of those to whom we reach out. We Praise the Lord each and every day for the wonderful Kingdom He has allowed us to share with others.
The Lord is so marvelous in what He does! Jesus came into this world when it was dark to lift us up by giving His life. It is a joy for my wife and I to lift up His name where it is dark, and give our lives to do so.
Our best and thanks to all of you! Love, Steve & Sophia, Phil 2:14-1
I grew up on the shoreline of the Netherlands, close to The Hague. As a little girl, I was a quiet, shy and insecure. My two year older brother and my three younger siblings competed for attention from our parents who had experienced World War II, and put every effort into giving their children a better education than they were given.
Raised Reformed, I found that the church gave no practical answers to why the world was spiraling so out of control: the genocide and famine in Biafra, airplanes crushing to earth without the survival of any passengers. Why was life so cruel? Since I could not find any answers to life’s basic questions, at age 16, I considered committing suicide.
Then a friend introduced me to Youth for Christ’s Bible study in Katwijk aan Zee for high school students. Here under the direction of Henk Binnendijk, the foundation for Salvation and the joy of living a life of holiness, life I accepted my Lord and Savior, Jesus! The prayers of my parents and grandmother had been answered! At age 19 I was baptized in the Spirit and water and began seeking the Lord for the purpose in my life.
The Lord led me to become a physical therapist. The choice for every day was always to seek the Lord’s ways first—and blessings followed: At age 25, I had completed a ten year practice of my own. The office was located at the border of a beautiful Dutch bird preserve. From my balcony, I looked out on the famous Kinderdijk village where 17 windmills beautify the landscape, drawing tourists worldwide.
That fall, I travelled to Israel to serve as a volunteer at the Feast of Tabernacle Celebration, organized by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. There I served alongside a young American who eventually would become my husband. We became friends. After the celebration my friend decided to do outreach in Dutch speaking cities, and he spent some time in my local area. Besides the love for Jesus, we had a mutual love for Israel.
At age 33 Stephen asked me to marry him. It came “out of the blue” and was unexpected, especially since he was an American! Therefore it was good that my Father in Heaven gave me three confirmations, one of which my earthly father had had a dream when I was eighteen which he interpreted would be fulfilled at my age 34.
The wedding ceremony was held in an over crowded church (150) people in Alblasserdam, Pieter and Heleen Benard were the presiding pastors for this event. Willem van der Hoeve sent his blessings by telegram to the newly married couple.
After the wedding, I sold everything, and emigration followed three months later which gave Steve time to find a little nest in the Chassidic village of Monsey, NY. Three years later, Steve and I received a word from God individually, directing us to emigrate to the Republic of Georgia, next to Russia The green light for the next calling on our lives was to bring the Gospel to 2000 deserted orphans when Georgia became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991. Steve is presenting the rest of our life story.
We trust you are doing many enjoyable summer activities with your family and friends after two years of restrictions and lockup. We also took a hiatus and combined the June and July issues of The Bridge Reports into one report.
When the U.S. missionaries return to the States for a little R&R and visit family, friends and sponsors, we so enjoy when they come to see us.
Recently, American-Dutch Stephen and Sophia Schmalz, a precious couple whom we have known and helped sponsor since the mid-nineties, visited and spent ten delightful days with us. They are both true evangelists with burning hearts for those who have never heard the Gospel, continually finding unique ways in reaching as many as possible with the love of Jesus.
Our website has several past updates on their mission activities which you will find under PD ARCHIVE, for September 2010 and March 2012. This time, however, that you may come to know them more personally as people, not only missionaries, as I asked them to share their life stories here… they both have tremendous personal testimonies! The Schmalz’ have proven over almost thirty years living and serving in the mission field that they are faithful, enduring, effective, humble and obedient servants of the Lord. Your support will produce good fruit! Please note on your donation 8337 Rep. of Georgia Workers.