Category Archives: Christian Faith

2018 Bridge Thanksgiving Greeting

Dear Friends:

As we once again enter the festive time of thanksgiving and focus on all the blessings in our lives, our thoughts are with our Harvesters for God’s Kingdom around the world and those of you who for years have supported them through The Bridge with your prayers and finances.  Thank you for being collaborators with us in the Great Commission!

The images above display pictures of some of the men and women and the countries in which they serve who are part of The Bridge network.  There are others in our network, however, they work underground, due to security reasons, therefore  they are not depicted here. Most of our field partners live in some of the most dangerous and inhospitable parts of the world where there is great hostility to the Christian faith.  Steve and I personally know them, and I have personally visited many of their home bases and observed their fruitful ministries in the nations.  We know they live sacrificially and frugally—their passion is to effectively use the resources they receive to reach as many as they can with the life-transforming message of God’s love through Christ Jesus!

Thanks, again to all of you who already are investing resources into the hands of harvesters! You are sowing into good soil!  If you are not yet a financial partner with us, would you consider joining the ranks and begin supporting one of these families with a specific monthly contribution?

For those of you who send your donation by check via postal mail, you may continue to send your gift that way. However, there are a couple of safe alternatives in donating through The Bridge online  which may be more convenient for you:

  • Automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), also called Direct Deposit: Monthly withdrawal from your bank account into The Bridge bank account in a set amount of your choosing.  Please download the EFT form, fill it in, and send it with a canceled check by postal mail to the address provided on the form, which you will find at:
  • Donate via PayPal by debit or credit card, which may be a one time gift or a preset amount at time intervals of your choosing.  You will find the yellow Donate button at the top right on this page.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family and friends!  Blessings,  Steven & Ragnhild (R.K.) Ulrich



Faith, Culture, and Politics – a Perspective by R.K. Ulrich


I always seek to remain faithful to the commission the Lord gave me in 1983 — be a bridge, don’t build one”  — be a bridge builder of relationships between God’s people here in the States and those living and serving among people yet unreached by the Gospel in other nations, that they also may hear the Good News and be saved.  Every month, for information, edification, and encouragement to our partners, I present stories in The Bridge Report of testimonies from men and women who joyfully, sacrificially, and with great courage serve the Lord and His people in some of the most challenging and dangerous places in the world.

Once in a while, however, I take a sidestep to feature a story pointing in a different direction.  In this issue, I will endeavor to shed light on an alarming cultural shift in the United States taking place before our eyes.  It seems to be replacing liberty, safety, and peace — the hallmark of the American way — with a discourse and behavior from people in public places that comes close to anarchy and mob rule.  “What is happening in America?” my friends abroad are asking. Please allow me to give you a perspective from being a foreigner who have made my home in the States for the last 45 years.

In the 2016 May issue of The Bridge Report, six months before the Presidential election, I presented an article on Christian Faith, Politics, and Culture from   There, the issue was raised: Should Christians be engaged in politics and the current culture? As followers of Jesus, what are our responsibilities in this realm as citizens of God’s Kingdom, and the kingdom of this world?  Read the full article: 

Following are some excerpts from the article:

“It has been said that “religion and politics don’t mix.” But is that really true? Can we have political views outside the considerations of our Christian faith? The answer is no, we cannot. The Bible gives us two truths regarding our stance toward politics and government.

  1. The will of God permeates and supersedes every aspect of life. God’s will takes precedence over everything and everyone. What He has purposed, He will bring to pass, and no government can thwart His will (Daniel 4:34-35). In fact, it is God who “sets up kings and deposes them”  (Daniel 2:21), because “the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes” (Daniel 4:17). A clear understanding of this truth will help us see that politics is merely a method God uses to accomplish His will. Even though evil men abuse their political power toward their own end, meaning it for evil, God means it for good, working all things together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
  2. must grasp the fact that our government cannot save us! Only God can! We never read in the New Testament of Jesus or any of the apostles expending time or energy schooling believers on how to reform the pagan world of its idolatrous, immoral, and corrupt practices via the government. The apostles never called for believers to demonstrate civil disobedience to protest the Roman Empire’s unjust laws or brutal schemes. Instead, the apostles commanded the first-century Christians, as well as us today, to proclaim the Gospel and demonstrate lives that give clear evidence to the Gospel’s transforming power.   

The church’s unique, foremost God-given purpose does not lie in political activism or reform. Our mission lies in changing hearts through the Word of God, The Bible. When believers think the growth and influence of Christ can somehow be allied with government policy, they corrupt the mission of the church. Our Christian mandate is to spread the Gospel of Christ and to demonstrate His standards through our daily living.  Only as the hearts of individuals in a culture are changed by Christ will the culture begin to reflect that change.

Believers throughout the ages have lived, and even flourished, under antagonistic, repressive, pagan governments. This was especially true of the first-century believers who, under merciless political regimes, sustained their faith under immense cultural stress. They understood that it was they, not their governments, who were the light of the world and the salt of the earth! They adhered to Paul’s teaching to obey their governing authorities, even to honor, respect, and pray for them (Romans 13:1-8). More importantly, they understood that, as believers, their hope resided in the protection that only God supplies.  (The same applies to our Bridge partners, most of whom at this very moment live under repressive governments).

Perhaps the best way to understand our responsibilities in the social/cultural arena is to look to Jesus as our example.  Jesus lived in one of history’s most corrupt societies.  He did not come to earth to be a political or social reformer. Rather, He came  to make new creatures (His people) holy through the saving power of the Gospel and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. When people’s hearts are changed by Christ, godly governments and institutions will follow. What we need is not better government, but redeemed men and women who make better leaders in government!We are to be IN the world, but not OF it!  Part of being in the world is modeling Christ-likeness to the world and Christian love toward one another.


There is no question that the Judeo-Christian worldview and values have been the underpinning of Western civilization, which means the common values shared by Judaism and Christianity, as expressed in the Bible.  It was the bedrock for the three documents you see here, The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), The Constitution (June 21, 1788), and The Bill of Rights (December 15, 1791).  These three documents, collectively known as the Charters of Freedom, have guaranteed the rights and freedoms of Americans for over 200 years.

WE THE PEOPLEWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.“

Replica of the United States Bill of Rights, documenting the 10 amendments to the US Constitution.

Most of the Founders were not what we today call “born again believers”. Some of them even questioned the deity of Christ. Nevertheless, they understood that their society’s values and conduct were derived from the absolute moral laws of the Bible.

They believed that humans are created in the image of God, which led them to design institutions and laws meant to protect and promote human dignity. Because they were convinced that humans are sinful, they attempted to avoid the concentration of power by limiting the national government to carefully enumerated powers. The Founders were committed to liberty, but a liberty restrained by absolute moral laws.  They never imagined that provisions of the Bill of Rights would be used to protect licentiousness. And they clearly thought moral considerations should inform legislation.


We have just completed the most ugly, bruising, divisive, and cruel hearings in the confirmation of a new Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court. To understand what happened, a movement  still growing in intensity, we have to see beyond the ugly rhetoric and conduct during this process.  It drew deeper battle lines between the two political parties in Congress, the Democrats and the Republicans, and deepened the divide in the population, which had become more evident in the last two Presidential elections.

An intense  war is raging in this country and throughout the Western world at large between two ideologies—not between the two kingdoms Jesus spoke of, “…My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), and “…Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Mark 12:17) — but  within the kingdom of this world on views of governance. The battle is between the Judeo-Christian World View, governed by the rule of law based on the Constitution, and the Secular Humanist World View, also called the Postmodern Neo-Marxist ideology, governed by situational ethics.  That means there is no need for God, man needs no outward moral guidance or restraints; he has the power, wisdom, and ability within himself to establish new laws as society evolves and changes.

What made the Kavanaugh hearings so brutal was that his confirmation would result in a majority (5-4) among the Justices who interpret the law in light of the Constitution — a situation the opposition vehemently opposed.  Their main fear, among other issues, is that the Court with Kavanaugh as the swing vote, might strike down the controversial Roe vs. Wade law on abortion. Several  states permit a woman to terminate her baby up till the day of birth.  In their fervor to win, politicians ignored a cornerstone in the law – from the Bill of Rights, which declares that all are equal before the law, and that a person is presumed innocent till proven guilty.  They accused the nominee of improprieties without any shred of corroborating evidence!  Kavanaugh was tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion, while the left-leaning press cheered on!  In the end, Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. 

As the midterm election is less than a month away, the question remains—What kind of America do you want… one where the Constitution is respected and followed, especially by Supreme Court Justices committed in their rulings to uphold the American individual’s rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; where you have freedom to take personal responsibility for your life, and where honest, hard work is rewarded? … Or, a society where the government is run by an elite group of leaders who define the moral codes of their citizens by their own situational ethics and enforce political correctness according to their own ideas,  and one in which you are dependent on the government for sustenance and direction for your life?

Politics do not work the righteousness of God, but a benevolent government will help believers lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity” (1. Tim. 2:2).   Good citizens of both  the Kingdom of God and this world, should strive toward that.

My American friends: This nations stands at the edge of a fault line!




Joe Sellars – his Journey from Grief to Joy

Joe and Denise

Hello Everyone,

This is Joe Sellars, former missionary to Germany.  In September 2012, you received the last update on our life and ministry, which R.K. published right after having attended the homegoing celebration service for Shelli, my wife of nearly 25 years, after her three year battle with colon cancer. 

God had given us an adventurous life, and as always, He showed us his faithfulness!  He was so good to us through the entire cancer battle.  Even though it ended in Shelli’s death, His abiding presence was always with us, truly giving us the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” His love, grace, mercy, peace, and comfort were always there for me in the sorrow and grief, holding me close enough to hear His heartbeat through one of the most trying and challenging times in my entire life.

One of the biggest revelations God gave us on this journey was what we called The “Daniel 3” faith (Daniel 3:17-18).  It refers to the three young Hebrew men about to be thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar.  Their response to facing death was:

  1. We know God can save us,
  2. We know God will save us,
  3. But even if He doesn’t save us, we will praise the Lord.

I have a hard time understanding how some people can walk through similar trials without Jesus.  It was a dark time of my soul, but like in the story of  Job, God has restored every area of my life. Below, I address how God has met me by showing Himself as my faithful Father in the areas of  Finances, Family, Faith and Future.


Many of you who are reading this report were used by God to help me in my time of need.  Shortly after Shelli passed away, I was faced with the daunting task of paying all of the medical expenses we had incurred.  We also needed to pay for a van that a local car dealer had “loaned” me to test drive for over 3 months after my old van was literally run into the ground from the thousands of miles of driving to and from medical appointments, surgeries, chemo and follow-ups.   If I had had to pay all the bills that were accrued, it would have cost me nearly $700,000.  We had a woefully inadequate health insurance, so after the first month of this journey, we were moved to a cash payment status.

Family, friends, churches and even strangers stepped in, and by God’s grace, literally within two months of Shelli’s death, all the bills and the van were paid for!  Vanderbilt Medical Center simply wiped out hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.  Thousands of dollars came in through my local church, as well as the Bridge International.  One afternoon, I called a company I owed over $60,000 to discuss a payment plan.  I was holding the last statement in my hand when I asked the lady on the other end of the line for my current balance.  Instead of saying some amount just under $60,000, she said that I owed all of $16!  I was in shock!  I asked how that could be, and she answered she had no idea.  All she knew,  was what the invoice on her computer showed that amount. One medical facility after another were paid off in full – debt vanished or was simply forgiven.  If you were one of the many who gave – thank you so very much!


I am a firm believer that God’s original plan in the Garden involved a man and a woman, a husband and wife, in covenant relationship where they were “towards” each other.  One was to be the help-mate for the other, the strength to their weakness – two being truly better than one.

Just under two years after my first wife passed into eternity, God restored this plan to my life.  On June 7th, 2014 I married one of the most amazing women I have ever met.  Denise is a  hero of the faith (but that is another story for another time).  She is passionate for the Lord. She is loving, kind, discerning, fiery, and absolutely gorgeous, as well.  She is giving me the most amazing home a man could ever hope for.

Denise Sharing her Testimony

Together, we have already been ministering to families, singles, and hurting people.  I am excited to learn what else God has in store for us in the future.  Denise is a woman who understands the Biblical concept that she is the spotless Bride of Christ and is fully embraced by her Papa God.  At our wedding, she stood at the back of the church behind two massive white flags.  When those flags parted at the particular music cue in the processional, there was literally a gasp that echoed through the crowd.  She appeared as if she had just stepped in from the very presence of God!  We were given a taste of what the children of Israel must have felt when Moses returned from standing in the cloud of glory in the presence of God.  She shares His love, peace, compassion, grace and mercy with everyone she comes in contact with.  She has a gift of discerning a person’s situation and seeing the big picture like no one I have ever met before.  She is a blessing to me and many others!


In early 2013 God began speaking to me and reminded me of how, after leaving the Army in 1996, I was heading into an Information Technology Career, just before He threw me a curve ball and called me into full time church base ministry.  “Do you remember that IT thing?  It has now come full circle and I am calling you into full time market place ministry.  It is time to get outside the four walls of the church building.”  After much prayer and discussion with my pastor and the elder team, I stepped down as Youth Pastor in August, 2013 and began pursuing certifications in computers. This was a huge shift for me, but God was faithful. Since that time, I have a couple of IT certifications and working for my brother-in-law’s IT company in tech support and sales.

I have had many opportunities to minister to people outside the four walls of the church building.  For example, a couple of days ago I met with a potential client who is fighting her own battle with cancer.  At the end of our meeting I asked her if it would be OK for me to pray for her.  She smiled and said, “absolutely.” So right there in her office, in the middle of City Hall, the presence of the Lord filled the room and she was encouraged.  I am fully expecting to hear an amazing report from her the next time we meet together.

I am extremely blessed with the job I have. Please pray for us as we look to the future to see how God will transform, grow and use this business to release me more into ministry each day. 


Currently, my wife and I are working to eliminating all of our debt and positioning ourselves to have more time and financial freedom to head back out for short term mission trips.  I don’t currently see God leading me back to the mission field as a full time missionary, but rather drawing me back to short term missions.

When I look back at my life, some of the times I felt most alive, was when I had a herd of teenagers around me while leading them on a mission trip.

I know that God never removes His calling, therefore I believe that one day I will return overseas, being used by God to expand people’s world view and watch as God shows Himself to them in ways that they have never imagined.  My heart-cry is still and will always be “Living the Great Commandment to Fulfill the Great Commission.

The Sellars having Breakfast in our Home during their Visit


Living the Great Commandment to Fulfill the Great Commission” was Joe and Shelli Sellar’s ministry motto, as well as the standard by which they attempted to live their life together. “Our lives are not just about ministry, but about relationship, about living our lives so that others see Jesus in us — bringing Him honor in everything we do”, they were quick to explain.  And their lives reflected that!

Joe and Shelli had in common that they both grew up in Tennessee, were saved and had a burden for Europe.  After they were married in 1988, Joe served in the U.S. Army in Germany. There they came across The Bridge, so in 1999, when they were ready to move to Germany as full time missionaries, they contacted us, and we joined them in a 13 year partnership which proved very fruitful.

In 2010, Shelli  found she had been unexpectedly enlisted to run a new race that culminated in her death on September 3, 2012: battling stage IV metastasized colon cancer. We stood with the family through their battle, contributing with prayer and finances. Since Shelli’s death, some have asked, “What has happened to Joe and their two children?” You will find the answer in this issue where Joe is giving us an overview of his life after Shelli.  Two years after her passing, God provided a new wife for Joe.

Last week, when they visited us in our home,  Steve and I were introduced to Denise, a remarkable young woman from an Arab, Muslim background who encountered Jesus as a teenager, embraced the Christian faith, and has been persecuted for that decision.  Theirs is the story of a faithful God who brought the two of them together from sorrow and hardship to joy and fulfillment in the union of marriage, and calling them to be living testimonies of God’s grace and love!  We are looking forward to learn what God has in store for them!



Ken and Faith Negvesky—Prayer Warriors and Intercessors for the Harvesters


In this issue, Ken and Faith Negvesky, colleagues in the seventies and good friends for 40 years, present their life’s journey in their own words.  When most couples reach their 60s, they begin to downsize and prepare for a secure retirement close to family. Ken and Faith, rather, on the prompting of the Lord, followed His guidance and moved from Upstate NY to Racine, WI, from where they are training and discipling millennials both locally and overseas – especially in Asia.  As intercessors, they are a vital part of the Bridge Intercessory Prayer Team who faithfully and regularly minister to and pray for our field partners (harvesters) abroad. We are grateful for their commitment and enduring love toward Steve and me, and each one of our Bridge partners!


“Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6.13

Every one of us has a story! This is our race that Father has set before us and called us to run Heb. 12.1-2.  In the Bridge Report this month, it is our privilege to share some of our – His – story  with you, Bridge partners.

We are SO honored to be part of the Bridge Intercessory Team for our harvesters around the world. With R.K. and the harvesters who are available at the time, we Skype every other Monday and as an intercessory team, pray every Tuesday and Friday mornings for their requests. Praise God – He has answered so many prayers for His glory, and on behalf of our Bridge harvesters!

Let us go back to our first connection with Ragnhild via Love Inn (now Covenant Love Community) Freeville, NY 1977, where we arrived as young marrieds in the first years of pastoral ministry.  We were all so hungry for the Lord, to seek first His Kingdom, and learn how to live together in covenant community!  We became part of the pastoral team and enjoyed working with R.K. in her leadership role as founder and principal of CLC School. We served until, in 1980, she moved to Florida, then on to Germany, and upon return, two years later, founded The Bridge. The fruit of R.K’s labor remains, as CLC School is still going strong, coming alongside parents to train their children in the ways of the Lord and His Kingdom. (Our daughter, Cora Negvesky Hunter, is part of the team & our grandson, Jermaine, is a 7th grade Student.)

I was the senior leader of the church from 1995-2013. It was exciting for us to follow the Lord and learn to be His disciples while training others in the Word of God. Faith and I loved mentoring men and women to prepare them for their callings in different areas of life. I especially had a passion to preach and teach God’s Word and principles for transformation toward maturity. God also gave me a passion to stand alongside our small business owners.

In 2012, the Lord began to seriously challenge our hearts, indicating He had some radical changes ahead.  This was a bit surprising, as we had entered our 60ties believing we’d probably spend the rest of our lives in Upstate New York. But God had other plans and hopefully, we’ll never get too old to hear and obey Him!  Through a series of divine appointments and a strong undeniable leading of the Lord, we were led to resign our eldership position at the church and step out in radical obedience and implicit trust. He was calling us to leave our position, our two daughters and six grandchildren, as well as the relationships we had built over 30+ years and move to Racine, WI. (Our son was living in WI, but was our only connection to the area.)

Our deepest passion has always been the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! What did He want for our lives and calling?  In His  grace, He was leading us into the unknown and into a season of obscurity where our identity was in Him and Him alone, not our position or gifting. He drew us away and aside to prepare us for a deeper ministry of intercession and spiritual warfare.

We moved to Racine in May 2014 for a time of rest, re-tooling, and becoming more intimate with the Lord. We worked part time with GoStrategic, located in Santa Rosa, CA as U.S. Directors of Facilitators for the two online schools the ministry offers. These two year courses train men and women in Biblical world view – and facilitate them in Biblical business principles  –   We also facilitate groups in each course, both in the U.S. and internationally.

For the past two years, Faith has been facilitating a Strategic Life Training group (SLT) in Singapore. We were privileged to attend Transforum Asia there in June and Faith personally presented graduation certificates to her stellar group.

I was one of the key note speakers for the conference, exploring how we are to be the church in these challenging times. There, we connected with many wonderful believers from 12 Asian nations! The schools continue to grow in many of them. We see a profound hunger for the Lord in many youth in the nations! It is our desire to pray for them, disciple them, and influence as many as we can! They need us; we need them – generations joining together!

When we first moved to Racine, a young woman with a prophetic gifting who did not know us, told us, The Lord sees your life and ministry like a huge log with much depth and content. He is cutting up the log in strategic pieces for multiplication, not destruction.”   What a comfort and encouragement that word has been and how true!  Like a pie, our lives and pastoral ministry are now expressed in different pieces in strategic ways:

  •  part of or lead four intercessory groups: The Bridge Team, GoStrategic International Ministry, Dennis & Jan Peacocke, founders/heads of GoStrategic, and Kingdom Ministries USA, an apostolic network to which we belong.
  • train GoStrategic school facilitators, remotely lead SLT & BLS groups and speak at conference (Transforum) workshops.
  • provide pastoral care for a pastor and his family in KMUSA.
  • still connect with several business leaders who were part of our church
  • in New York, to give pastoral insight and counsel. I am also spiritual director for a Cornell Agricultural Professor who mentors young men and women from around the world in Kingdom principles of agriculture and philosophy.
  • serve in our local church, Living Light Racine, in a variety of ways of leadership and service.
  • love to give insight and counsel to couples considering marriage or have been married for a number of years, drawing on our walk with the Lord and one another for our past 44 years of marriage.
  • work part time at Panera Bread; having the opportunity to interact with 20-30 year somethings, sharing the Lord and hope and happiness of marriage so unfamiliar to many millennials.

As Faith and I approach our 65th birthdays, we are vibrant and eager for the Lord to continue to use us both at home and abroad for His glory and honor. We have no plans to retire.O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you.  I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. You unfailing love is better to me than life itself; how I praise you! I will honor you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer.” Psalm 63