Category Archives: Christian Faith
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! May the many descriptions of Jesus Christ mentioned in the Scriptures captivate your hearts during this season and bring you a fresher and deeper awareness of His transforming love and power – He is indeed Immanuel “God with Us” (Isaiah 7:14) and the Light of the World (John 8:12)! From Steve and R.K. Ulrich
2022 Bridge Thanksgiving Greeting
Steve and I wish you all a Blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family as we join in celebrating the goodness of our God and thank Him for the many, many blessings He has bestowed on us all.
Apostasy: The Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, the Nohadide Law and the Global Reset
This year, a center for a One World Religion will open in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Abrahamic Family House will consist of a mosque, church, synagogue, and educational center. The purpose as described by its founders, is to be “a beacon of mutual understanding, harmonious coexistence, and peace among people of faith and goodwill. Through its design, it captures the values shared between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and serves as a powerful platform for inspiring and nurturing understanding and acceptance between people of goodwill.” The Noahide Law is the underlying, universal belief system which must be followed by all!
The vision for the Abrahamic Family House originated after the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb in February 2019. The founder’s document continues, “This landmark will be a place for learning, dialogue, and worship – open to all and a true reflection of the UAE’s belief in tolerance and hospitality. Within each of the houses of worship, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about religious services, listen to holy scripture, and experience sacred rituals.”
Sounds harmonious and peaceful — right? Not so fast! Following are some of the underlying facts:
- Although the UAE constitution guarantees freedom of religion, Sharia Law which is strictly followed, prohibits a Muslim to convert to another religion. Many Muslim clerics believe that coverts (apostates) should be killed.
- Teaching that Jesus is the Son of God and the only God is considered an insult to Allah or the Prophet Muhammad and offenders can be subject to imprisonment for more than five years and fined up to half a million dollars.
- The UAE has adapted a U.N. resolution, prohibiting teachings against Islam, including Biblical teachings, which is considered offensive. Biblical Truth and doctrine is the loser here!
by Robert Jurjevich
Our Bridge partners, the American—Dutch couple, Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich, have for several decades been living and serving the Lord in the Muslim section of the capital city of Sarajevo, Bosnia.
To learn more about their them and their ministry, go to:
Isaac Newton once said, ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
Rabbi Judah Alkalai (1798 – 1878), born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, throughout his life prophetically spoke, wrote and worked toward the re-establishment of the land of Israel. He was the rabbi of Simon Loeb Herzl and Jakov Herzl, respectively the grandfather and father of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern-day Zionism and the ‘Visionary of the State of Israel’. Theodor Herzl stood upon the shoulders of Rabbi Alkalai and saw the restoration of Israel.
The political world order was mainly framed according to the strength and ambitions of various kingdoms and empires. Yet all would change with the assassination in Sarajevo of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Frans Ferdinand, on June 28, 1914. The centuries old imperial world order crashed and there emerged the rise of nationalistic statehood. The prophetic seed that Rabbi Alkalai of Sarajevo had begun planting nearly a century beforehand, broke through the bloody soil of WWI and it seemed that the establishment of Jewish statehood was within reach. Yet the spirit of imperialism was not defeated, and it reorganized itself to not only prevent the rebirth of Israel, but to try and exterminate its children during the holocaust of WWII. The prophetic seed of Jewish nationalism seemingly was dead, yet with resurrection power the dream became a reality on May 14, 1948, with the declaration of Jewish statehood – Israel was once again a nation.
The League of Nations was created after WWI, yet it could not maintain peace in the world. At the end of WWII, the United Nations was formed for the same purpose yet has also failed like its predecessor. The present Russian-Ukrainian conflict again exposes the weakness of the UN structure and threatens to draw the nations into WWIII, possibly even into nuclear exchanges. Once again, the world order is shaken to its core and exposed to coming drastic changes. Amid much turmoil, the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah continues to be increasingly heard and received both within Israel and the nations.
Will the United Nations be able to continue in its present form and structure, or will it be supplanted by a new international order? If so, from where does that promise of world peace arise from? Over the last 20 years, a movement has begun to emerge within Israel whose aim is to replace even the political usage of the United Nations and to create a uniformed spiritual platform that all peoples, regardless of their religious differences, can be identified and unified by together within a new world order. This ‘new’ world order is a globalism based on ‘old’ Biblical yet universally accepted concepts.
In October 2004, a rabbinic organization was formed to be the transitional phase toward re-establishing the Sanhedrin ( – the Jewish religious ruling body based on the Mosaic Law that aims to replace through its 70 Nations initiative, not just the Knesset (the legislative branch of Israeli government), but the UN itself to establish world peace The benefits for Israel are the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, the reinstatement of the Jewish priesthood with the animal sacrifices, and the replacement of a secularized government with the Sanhedrin. The benefit for the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) is a recognition by the Sanhedrin for ‘righteous’ status based not upon the Mosaic Law but upon the Noahide Law (
What is the Noahide Law? Alleged basic laws of God given to Noah, which applies to all mankind, to all nations – except to Israel, which is given the higher standard of Torah (Law of Moses). There are seven principles which, if a non-Jew will pledge themselves to, the Sanhedrin will declare him as a ‘righteous son of Noah’, meaning Righteous Gentile:
- Do not worship idols
- Do not blasphemy God
- Do not murder
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not eat flesh torn from a living animal
- Submit oneself to courts of justice (Sanhedrin)
The preparations for this modern-day Sanhedrin fortunately has no authority presently in Israel. He would have the ability to declare any non-Jew giving allegiance to the Noahide Law to be declared ‘righteous’ before God; likewise, any non-Jew not giving allegiance to the Noahide Law would be declared ‘unrighteous’ and face the judgment of death by the Sanhedrin. For Jewish people, the standard for ‘righteousness’ is strict compliance to the Mosaic Law (temple worship with priesthood and sacrifices) once it can be fully reinstated. Messianic Jews (Jewish believers in Jesus the Messiah) would be declared ‘unrighteous’ and face death.
The Noahide movement has gained momentum over the last few decades. Every US president since Ronald Reagan has signed a declaration of US recognition of the Noahide Law. This ‘new’ Sanhedrin movement has established a synagogue beneath the Western Wall in Jerusalem to where foreign leaders can come to sign onto the Noahide Law. The Abrahamic Family House project, which is a complex built in Abu Dhabi housing a synagogue, mosque, and church ( is evidence of the growing focus on removing religious barriers to create a uniform religious identity. Noahide religious centers and fellowships have increased and begun networking together worldwide.
As one who loves Jesus and loves the Jewish people, my heart cries out for an outpouring of God’s Spirit and blessing upon Israel and the nations. At the same time my heart breaks because of the rise of deception, division, destruction, and death (the four horsemen of Revelation 6:1-8) among the nations. We must stay alert, as watchmen upon the wall, standing in the gap through our prayerful intercession for Jerusalem, Israel, and the nations.
From R.K.’s Corner
We are at war! No, here I am not referring to the current war incited by Russia in Ukraine, but a far larger, world wide war. It is an ideological, economic, cultural and spiritual war waged by a global elite of the rich and powerful against Western civilization which fostered prosperity, individual freedom and liberty via the democratic process built on the Judeo-Christian world view. The bulwark which stands as a protection of freedom against tyranny is the Truth, anchored in the moral principles of the Bible. Today, we see a full assault against the cornerstone of Biblical faith – Jesus Christ and the Triune God! The Christian faith must be eradicated for the new Global Reset to take place.
Lack of space here makes it possible to only give a brief introduction to some of the aspects of tyranny which are emerging in a perfect synchronism for the elite to endeavor controlling all human activities, their thoughts and faith, as well as the world’s resources. Please do your own research and ask the Lord where you fit into the ranks of this battle.
The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset
This month, 2000 individuals from among the richest and most influential people in the world will be gathering at the WEF—World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Klaus Schwab, its Founder and Executive Chairman is the architect of the ideology that the world is entering a Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) requiring a “Great Reset.”
This “New World Order” requires a fundamental revolution in governance of the world’s population “For the Better Good.” Instead of individual countries governed by democratically elected leaders, “Stakeholder Capitalism” will effectively redefine human beings, not as citizens— free individuals or members of living communities—but rather as secondary participants in a business whose profitability is the only aim in a global, borderless world. At the center of this new governance is WEF, a self selected global coalition of hand-picked and unelected individuals from multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations whose duty is not to serve the public, but to impose the rule of the 1% on that public with as little interference as possible. The end goal is Global Fascist Totalitarianism, and their tools are many:
1 The new technologies of 4IR rolled out via 5G enable new forms of surveillance to gain full control over all human activities and thoughts: Transhumanism via artificial intelligence, smart tattoos, implanted microchips, biological computing, custom designed organisms
- Covid-19 with its worldwide draconian measures was a special gift—a dress rehearsal for what is to come.
- The new Abrahamic Family House —a One World religion without God!
- Climate Change—rule the masses with controlling regulations and fear of future!
- Equity and Gender—redefinition of the basic structures of the Judeo-Christian family unit: husband, wife, children. Redefinition of what is a human being — what is a man, what is a woman. Dividing the population by redefining the value of a human being based on skin color, rather than his or her character.
- Marxist Fascism—dividing the population in two groups: The Oppressor and the Oppressed based on skin color.
Let us not fear, but stand firm in our faith and convictions, follow the Lord and obey His Word, and be encouraged by scripture verse in James 12:1 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
2021 Bridge Christmas Greeting
2021 Bridge Thanksgiving Greeting
2020 Annual Bridge Report
Happy New Year to you and your family from The Bridge team and our partners around the world! Our warm THANKS to those of you who sacrificially gave of your finances and prayed for the missionaries we serve in the nations! Your Tax Receipt has been sent to you via postal mail or email. May you all experience the abundance of the promise in Proverbs 11:23-25: “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”
2020 was a tumultuous year which brought massive changes with lasting effect to the lives of people world wide. At the beginning of the year, the breakout of Covid-19 pandemic originating in China, expanded quickly with death and devastation across the world. This tiny, invisible ball brought life as we knew it to a screeching halt, as businesses, schools, social and spiritual activities and any other meaningful human interactions were shut down while people were commanded to withdraw from society and live behind closed doors in isolation, only with their nearest family members. Beyond the obvious tragedy and grief of losing loved ones to the pandemic, the unintended consequences by the lockdowns have caused equally, if not worse, misery in people’s lives: financial ruins, increased poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, depression and suicide.
In the name of safety and health, governments globally have centralized their grip on power. An international group of elite leaders, part of The World Economic Forum (WEF), have planned a shift from the individual nations’ sovereign right to govern their citizens, to a world wide power elite of the rich and powerful, who think the time is near when The Great Reset, outlining their global agenda, will successfully be instituted “for the Good of Mankind.”
Centralization and consolidation of power will be necessary, as will conformity and absolute obedience to the agenda of the Powers to Be. Faith and loyalty to a Higher Power, individuality and dissent must not and cannot be tolerated, and those who protest must quickly be brought back in line, deemed as dangerous elements, a threat to peace and security in civil society. The Cancel Culture is right now coming into full bloom! The draconian measures mandated by political leaders to protect the world population against the deadly virus are a perfect opportunity to test the timing for the introduction to the New World Order.
Last year, this nation also experienced another trauma which will have far reaching international consequences— a bruising, volatile and outright hateful American Presidential election. It has divided the nation right down the line. The 45th President, running on a Republican ticket, had during his tenure openly rejected the globalist agenda through his slogan “Make America Great Again”, and reintroduced ordinary American citizens to their Constitutional rights. The President gave a voice to the voiceless, “WE THE PEOPLE”, by tirelessly laboring for the people by introducing legislation and regulations benefitting the lives of men and women all across the socio-economic and racial spectrum. In turn, those people loved him… to them he was the People’s President! To the Globalists, he was a clear and present danger, hindering their view of progress. In a bitterly contested election with serious allegations of major fraud, it was determined that the globalist-friendly Democrat candidate won, and he has been sworn in as President.
The deeper world issue is not politics, nor economics, it is the clashing of ideologies. In the United States we have openly entered into a fierce spiritual/cultural war—a fire which has been raging on other continents for decades, with severe persecution against Christian believers and destruction of their churches and symbols. Now, it has erupted with vengeance against the last bastion, the Judeo-Christian world view in America.
The Bible was always the bedrock for Western civilization—the glue which held our society together with a common understanding of basic Biblical moral values, adherence to the rule of law, equality under the law, and respect for the individual’s rights. The American Constitution, built on these Biblical principles, has been a shiny model of a good governing document; the example to be applied against tyranny by freedom fighters the world over. Today, these Biblical moral and spiritual principles must be crushed by the fascist/globalist elite, the Christian faith subdued and its followers canceled and cast aside. With that, the American Constitution with its fundamental phrase, “endowed by our Creator, ” must also be nullified, as it declares that all men are given Equality with certain inalienable Rights, among these Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, not by man, governments or the political correct elite in society, but given by God! This the core of the conflict!
In the midst of a hostile society facing the Christian believers, we are called according to Matthew 5:13-16 and Phil. 2:15-16a, to be salt and light before men—children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom we shine as lights in the world, holding fast the Word of Life!
In spite of the lockdowns, and concern that the hardship of the virus would diminish our Bridge contributors’ ability to give, we were blessed in every way. Our income grew beyond expectation, so we were able to help equip a number of our partners with funds to reach out with compassion and love with life sustaining provision to victims of Covid-19 in their communities.
One of our Stateside prayer warriors and leader of The Bridge Intercessory Team, Paul Booher, went to be with the Lord. It was a loss for us, but the Lord provided us with three new members called to intercede for the nations and our partners who labor in His harvest. We are humbled and thankful for the labor of love of the group!
Covid-19 affected every community we serve overseas, some countries harder hit than others, with heartbreaking devastation and suffering. We are deeply grateful that none of our partners, except one family, contracted the virus. Rustam and Zamira and their two children in Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN were lightly infected, and were quickly restored to full health with no negative health effects. This was an answer to prayer by our intercessors, demonstrating that the Lord’s protection as promised in Psalm 91 were true and real.
As most countries were already in lockdown in the late spring, all church services and fellowship gatherings were shut down everywhere, and with that, many of the outreaches and mercy ministries of our partners. This became a challenge for the leaders to find ways to continue their labor of love in obedience to the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, “…Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Their clarity of vision, personal sacrifices, courage, endurance and hope; having been trained to stand firmly in faith in the face of serious setbacks and apparent insurmountable problems, have helped them find new, creative ways to circumvent their governments’ restrictions, and continue to keep in contact and fellowship with their church family. Worship services and Bible teachings were in many cases conducted virtually online. To comply with the restrictions on social distancing, smaller home fellowship groups flourished with just a few believers in each, which has brought forth new leadership and closer knit relationships between the believers. We have reports from every field that there was growth and expansion in the number of people responding to the Gospel and desiring to grow in faith.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of last year’s activities among our partners, was their willingness to risk their own health and safety, and together with their church family reach out to the most needy suffering from the pandemic with a feeding program, which provided amazing opportunities to share the Good News to people in communities closed to their presence in prior years. The Himalayan Good News Network Ministry in INDIA each did impressive outreaches into their surrounding communities with life giving sustenance. You will find their stories on our website, published under last year’s Bridge Report for respectively June and August.
Sargon, serving Iranian believers in TURKEY and IRAN proper, reached out to a number of refugees and provided shelter and food for them. We also helped provide finances for the distributing of food packages for needy Iranian believers and unbelievers in Iran and Turkey.
This year, we are not providing specific updates from all the fields we serve, but you will find a comprehensive list and description of each of the major partners we resource on a regular basis in the 2019 Annual Report which you find under ANNUAL REPORTS above. Scroll down the page, or click on the following direct link and scroll:
BLESSINGS to those of our partners not mentioned here, and those of you who invested resources into their lives and ministries. THANK YOU, again! R.K. Ulrich