This is a one of the reports sent via Robert Jurjevich by one of the leaders of a Turkish network of faith-based local Christian leaders who coordinate and work together in distributing the resources donated, most efficiently. to the most needy. This gives a glimpse of their daily dedication and struggles:

Before and After the Earthquake
”Greetings Brothers and Sisters:
Yesterday we went to Hatay again. This time we had the opportunity to see the ministry led by brothers Ali Öztürk and Umut Şahin.
Brother Ali from the Izmir Işık (light) Churches, together with brothers and sisters from other Light churches and other churches, are running a wonderful ministry. They serve three meals to hundreds of people every day with a simple kitchen set up on the side of a main street, opposite a ruined building that is on the edge of a whole neighborhood in completely ruins. They work with so much heart, so much dedication, making sure everything is well done and runs smoothly! The different local authorities that are patrolling the areas such as police and security guards serving in the region and the public form long lines just to eat. We are hearing amazing testimonies from everyone.
As we met and listened to the people coming , we realized that people don’t just come to eat. They are also coming because they feel God’s presence – the aroma of Christ but they can’t put a name to it – that aroma is there thanks to our brothers and sisters. ‘There is something different here. We don’t eat in other places. We come here to eat and for feeling this atmosphere.’
God is using our brothers and sisters as salt and light in this most difficult time, exactly as the Word states! Praise God! For this, we need brothers and sisters who will continue to serve with them, and carry this burden by putting their hearts and hands into this work. We advise you to go and lift the arms of the brothers there. The First Hope Association is a local charity where our brother Umut Şahin serves. They work with extraordinary labor and effort with a large team not only in Hatay but also in other places such as Gaziantep. Praise God, the services of their association are gradually growing. In the first days of the earthquake they actively took part in search and rescue and rescued dozens of people from under rubble of apartments that had falling in the whole earthquake region. Now they serve in a wide range of ways, from meeting the need for food to providing clothes.
Unfortunately, a large hospital in Hatay is unusable. Many patients and health workers have lost their lives during work. In the aftermath, the hospital’s large garden was transformed into two different “tent hospitals” set up with the help of Samaritan’s Purse, a faith-based organization from the united States. They brought in different medics from Bağcılar, Istanbul, and provide a broad range of medical service from simple health problems to surgeries. With their support in this chaotic environment, First Hope Association provides the most basic needs of thousands of people, employees, patients and their relatives: like toilets, showers, laundry facilities, and basic food, such as bread and coffee.
Dozens of our brothers and sisters serve there selflessly. Let us also thank our brother Umut, First Hope and all the volunteer brothers and sisters who serve with them for this wonderful ministry, Dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord give them strength and endurance to continue using them. Helpers and volunteers are needed there too. Please get in touch if you would like to be there and be part of their ministry.
Yesterday evening we went to see our brothers Hamdullah and Elmas again. We nervously entered their house, which they had worked on for years and used as a service center, but which is no longer considered a safe building. We drank tea together and talked among other things a bit about their earthquake experiences . At night, we returned to Iskenderun. We met again with our brother Bedri and the brothers we talked about that day. We saw the same characteristics in our brothers Hamdullah-Elmas, Brother Bedri and his team, brothers Ali and Umut and all our dear brothers and sisters who serve with them: The love and compassion, zeal and endurance, faith and hope reflecting from Christ within.

A ten year old girl protected her baby brother stuck underneath the rubble. When the rescue team approached them, she promised she would be their servant for the rest of her life if they would save her and her brother. Imagine the future destiny of this one little girl! Let us remember the boy with the starfish…It takes only one at a time!
Often without eating, drinking, sleeping, showering, or even going to the restroom, they serve with love those who are suffering, and suffer as if they are serving the Lord. They do not eat but feed, do not wear the clothes that are donated, but give what they receive and have to console those that are suffering. They truly deserve the divine reward, the crown. And they do all this in a sense representing the whole Church. What they do glorifies the Lord, but it also serves to praise the Church. Praise be to God. We thank the Lord for them. May the Lord bless them! May the Lord bless you, dear and precious brothers and sisters.”

You may recall the horrific earthquake which, on February 6, hit southern Turkey and parts of Syria. The news of the disaster flashed across the world news media for a few days before it vanished off the headlines—problem solved—right! Not exactly! Each number in the statistics on page three represents one grieving, suffering human being. All you and I can do, all but miniscule in comparison to the ocean of pain, is help alleviate the suffering of one victim, or a family, or a fellowship of believers by giving of our resources with our prayers. We are raising funds which will be sent directly to those who are serving the victims, many of whom live near the epicenter. Most of them are local Turkish Christian leaders affected themselves by the disaster. They come highly recommended by two of our trusted Bridge partners, Robert Jurjevich and Sargon Daniali Chamaki, men with faith and integrity who have lived and served in the Balkans for decades. You find their background information under COUNTRIES on our website.
The funds will be sent directly via the leaders who oversee the receiving and distribution on the ground. The Bridge will not deduct any administrative costs: Your donation will be sent overseas in full! Please mark your donation:
8162 Relief Aid—Turkey’s Earthquake Victims.