Dear Steve, R.K. and our Bridge Sponsors,
Warm greetings to you in the matchless name of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am delighted to share with you what the Lord has done in and through my life and ministry in the year 2022 for His glory and the extension of His Kingdom. I thank God for using this earthen vessel for His divine purpose in the Himalayas in India, Nepal and many other nations.
I also take this opportunity to thank you and express my heartfelt gratitude for your constant prayers, encouragement and financial support for my family and ministry. Without your precious partnership and support, it would not have been possible for me to reach the unreached and the lost with the message of hope and life eternal in Christ Jesus.
Thank you again for all your love and support for what we have been doing in this part of the globe for God’s Kingdom. My sincere prayer is that the Lord Almighty will continue to bless you and make you a channel of blessings for His Kingdom. I pray and believe that God will give us a bountiful harvest of souls in the days to come.
Yours sincerely in Christ, Dawa Singye Bhutia
Personal Evangelism

We keep on reaching the unreached and the lost people with the Good News of Jesus Christ through personal evangelism. Many people have heard the Gospel message and some of them have made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Pastoral Ministry, Church Planting and Leadership Training
I have been shepherding New Creation Fellowship in Siliguri as the Senior Pastor and extending the church planting movement with our church members and leaders.
In the churches in Nepal, Bhutan, India and other places we train young men and women in various types of ministries and leadership roles, like evangelism, church planting, mission work and second level leadership. So far, hundreds of young men and women have been trained and then sent to the remoter and unreached areas with the Gospel and planting of churches.
Social Concerns
We met the needs of the poor, elderly and sick with the love of Christ. During Covid-19 and lockdowns we brought and distributed provision into a variety of communities among those who had lost their jobs, resulting in lack of food and basic needs. We especially brought basic relief aid into the Tea Gardens which were shut down by the company for a long time, and distributed school stationeries and toiletries to the needy children in the slums.
Reaching the Children with the Love of Christ
We gave daily free private tuition and daily meals for the poor and underprivileged children in the areas where parents can not afford to send them to regular school.
Rural Evangelists Training in Solukhumbu, Nepal

We have been working and training rural evangelists in one of the most remote and least reached regions of the Himalayas in Nepal. Many rural evangelists have been trained for the work of mission to reach the unreached and the lost souls for Christ. Every year we conduct this kind of training to train and equip the local believers and leaders to reach their unreached in their communities and neighbors, friends and families.
Praying for and Counseling People

During my travels, I visit and meet many people suffering from various kinds of sicknesses and diseases and facing all different kinds of problems and issues in their lives. I pray for them and give them the message of hope, unconditional love and new life in Christ Jesus our Savior.
Present Outreach
It gives me great joy and pleasure to share the excitements of the Short Term Mobile Bible Training all the way from the Tanahu District of West Nepal. The participants were the Pastors and Leaders from the different districts of Nepal. The 4th Batch of the Mobile Training program was conducted from the 26th of January to 12th of February 2023. 29 leaders participated in the training from various districts consisting from Gorkha, Chitwan, Kathmandu, Sarlahi to different areas of Tanahu.
We were so pleased to see the transformation of lives and hear the testimonies by the participants, full of zeal and passion expressing they will continue to joyfully serve in the Kingdom of God!
Prayer Points
- Please pray for God’s guidance and protection in my family and ministry.
- Pray for us as we continue to reach the unreached and the lost people groups with the glorious message of the Gospel in the most remote and spiritually dark places of the Himalayas.
- Pray that our ministry will be more effective and fruitful in the days to come.
Some of you who have been with us for a while are familiar with Dawa Singye Bhutia and his ministry in the Himalayas from India, Bhutan, Nepal to the rural mountainous hinterland between India and Tibet, populated with a variety of small, ethnic minorities.
For background information on Dawa, his family and ministry Himalayan Good News Networking Ministry, you will find the three prior stories on our The Bridge website banner above under COUNTRIES—ASIA—HIMALAYAS
In a world full of despair and darkness, in spite of much resistance, Dawa and his team are fully committed to keep bringing the Light and Hope of Jesus Christ, our living Savior, to those who are hungry for truth and righteousness! He and his team are a great investment of your finances and prayers for the Kingdom of God!