Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends, and Partners,
As I was preparing for the publishing of the March Bridge Report — an exciting story from Sargon’s ministry to the Turkish and Iranian peoples — I was reminded that I ought to share another story with you, this time from our family, which is of more personal nature. The pre-planned article will therefore be postponed till next month, as my current time commitment on the home front prevents me from giving it my best, right now.
My husband Steve’s journey with prostate cancer began this month, seven years ago. At the beginning of March, 2012, he was diagnosed with very aggressive prostate cancer, needing immediate surgery. Without intervention (spiritual or medical) we were told his survival prognoses was grim: he might only live a few months.

Evangelizing is Steve’s Hallmark. Here he is Sharing his Faith with the Travel Team Leader in Alaska
In the April, 2012 issue of The Bridge Report, I shared the details of that ordeal for prayer and praise:
The surgery took place, and the surgeon rejoiced with us that it was successful—the cancer was contained in the organ, the cancer indication in the blood (PSA) went to zero; no further treatment of chemo therapy or radiation necessary. Once again, we were so grateful that Steve’s life had been spared.
Fast forward three years. Unexpectedly, the PSA began rising, indicating that cancer cells were indeed alive and on a destructive move in Steve’s body. Scans showed nothing; nevertheless, in 2015, he decided to undergo 37 radiation treatments in the area where the doctors assumed the growth was located. It was a hit and miss. During the next three years, although the PSA kept gradually rising, even the newest and most sophisticated body scans could not detect any bone lesions at all. The doctors were baffled, and his Oncologist in Miami called it “bizarre”.
A gene test showed that Steve’s type of cancer was based on a deviant gene. He agreed to be included in a country wide, three year clinical trial whereby 1060 men were enlisted in 60 locations to test a new medicine that might be a cure for this rare form of prostate cancer. Another scan was made to determine the cancer baseline. Again, no cancer was detected, which disqualified Steve from the trial, but the PSA was by now off the chart — between 1,500 and up; it should have been between zero and one! His Radiologist commented, “I have never seen such a high PSA without detecting any cancer cells anywhere in his body.”

Steve is Always Sharing what he has with Others – here Giving his Favorite Ax to Joes Sellars, Missionary to Germany
We were deeply grateful to God for His intervention, realizing that, once again, He had indeed moved the dial forward on the number of days He has allotted to Steve on this earth!
Then, the real surprise came. In February, a routine checkup detected that the prostate cancer in Steve’s body had alluded the normal spreading into the bones; it had metastasized undetected into soft tissue. His abdomen is now peppered with cancer cells which are attacking the various organs from the outside—in. It is causing fluid retention which was removed a couple of times. Seven years ago, the doctors who then gave him just a few months to live, are now predicting 3-6 months of life, tops! As nothing humanly or medically can stop the advance of this deadly disease. At this time, Steve is up and around. Visitors are always welcome.
The doctors’ prediction was wrong before, they may be wrong, again. However, This is the situation at the moment… both Steve and I sense that the Lord will be calling him home soon. In the midst of the ups and down on the difficult journey of terminal illness, the anticipation of meeting Him in Glory in Eternity, gives us both that supernatural Peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). It is well with our soul.
The quote from the 2012 report is as true now as it was then:
“Steve is asking that your prayers be directed towards his hearing, trusting, obeying, and waiting on God. He is not upset, bitter, angry, sad, worried, aggravated, or fearful, but enveloped in the peace of God, waiting on Him! Steve’s deepest desire in this is to glorify God and hear Him say, ‘well done, good and faithful servant.’”