As I sit writing this update, I am listening to sounds coming from outside. It’s the noise from the workmen removing the scaffolding from the newly built mosque here in Dobrinja, right beside our apartment. Soon, five times a day, the loud speakers on the minaret will call out to the residents of our neighborhood to come and pray for guidance from the Islamic god that they will not walk in the ‘deceitful’ path of the Jews and Christians.
In other words, the mosque is a physical structure established as a spiritual ‘stronghold’ from where the god of the Qur’an makes war against the God of the Bible. This is our world – the battle for the souls of the Bosnian people.
Two years ago we arrived in Sarajevo with the vision of establishing an effective church-planting ministry that would eventually bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every individual in the nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even before our plane touched down on Bosnian soil on August 1st, 2013, the resistance was rising and the spiritual warfare hasn’t let up since. We are very thankful to everyone who has stood faithfully with us in prayer and financial support as we have sought to fulfill in obedience our calling according to God’s will. We want you to know that we have no plan B – we are all in – and we intend to complete the mission.
We are excited to share with you the opportunity at hand for us to have a stronger presence in Sarajevo with two new developments in our area of the city, Dobrinja:
The first is that our present ministry location will serve a dual purpose: 1) serve as the office for our ministry Healing The Nations, newly registered as a non-profit ministry in Bosnia, and 2) become the new Center of Hope for Women, from where Sandrina will be providing Biblical training and prayer counseling for women.
The second development is the new location (1895 sq. ft of a former furniture store) for our Dobrinja Ministry Center, which will house all our other church and ministry activities. It will be where our Sunday worship services, seminars, leadership training and classes for the Focus Business School will be held. We will have space for up to 100 chairs, a Cafe & Resource Corner, and much needed space for children’s ministry with direct access to a city park located behind the building.Our expenses for moving into the new facility is a minimum budget of US$30,000 (= 27,400 EURO), which will cover expenses for initial renovations, technical equipment/furnishings and provide a 12 month buffer on the lease. Work begins as soon as we receive the keys to the building on September 1st. The slide presentation below hopefully will give you a sufficient overview to understand clearly this development. At the end of the month, the building will be emptied out and we will be able to show pictures of the interior.
Next month, September 2015, marks the beginning of the Biblical Year of Jubilee – the purpose of which is to bring liberty to the nation of Israel, breaking the oppression and poverty off the people, and restoring the land to it’s heirs. Bosnia and Herzegovina is my ‘Israel’ and Sarajevo is my ‘Jerusalem’. It’s only been 700 years – time to redeem my inheritance. My ancestors of the Jurjevich clan were part of the Bosnian nobility before the Ottoman Turks conquered the land by the oppressive sword of Islam.
My prayer before our Savior, Jesus Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords, is that I would stand on behalf of an oppressed nation, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as an intercessor, watchman and rightful heir to a stolen inheritance – may this Year of Jubilee begin the harvest of Bosnian souls to be brought into the Kingdom of God, and may this nation be set free from the wages of it’s sins through the blood of the Lamb.
We would ask you to help us today on two levels:
1) Prayerfully partner with us financially in helping make PROJECT ‘JUBILEE’: TIME FOR REDEMPTIVE EXPANSION a reality in Sarajevo – our goal is to raise $30,000 in the month of August. We are expanding our faith for a financial miracle in August so that the new Dobrinja Ministry Center will be completed without delay in September.
2) Please consider sharing this information, only as the Lord would lead you, with someone whom you feel might be interested in being involved with supporting PROJECT ‘JUBILEE’ and ministry here in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
The highlights during a visit to the neighboring country of Croatia was spending time with a young, single mom in Zagreb whom we had helped a little just over a year and a half ago when she was abandoned by her family because she would not abort her baby. Eventually, after some months, she was reconciled with her parents and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was encouraging to see that she is growing strong in her Christian faith and pursuing her university degree.
PLEASE PRAY for our friend Cristóbal Krusen, director of SABINA K. – first ever Bosnian Christian film. SABINA K. will be presented at the Sarajevo Film Festival (14-22 August). PRAY that Cris will have tremendous favor in his interactions with the Festival committee, media interviews and public contacts. PRAY for open hearts to the love of Jesus with all those who will be present for the screening of the film at the Festival. For more information about Cris and how to financially support his film ministry, and especially about SABINA K., please visit:
From May 26 to July 15, we visited friends, supporters, and partners in the States. We are now back in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and wish to express our appreciation to everyone who provided in one or another way for our seven weeks in the USA. Special thanks to very special friends who made available the perfect vehicle for our 5,800 mile road trip! And to everyone along the way who hosted us, fed us and took time from your busy schedules to fellowship with us, a huge THANK YOU!
The highlight of the trip for us was the wedding of our son Timothy and his Julianne on July 5, held at the beautiful Eden Gardens State Park in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. It was the first time in 2 1/2 years that we had been together with all our children in one place at the same time – definitely an extra blessing! Right now we are all reunited again in Amsterdam, Holland, celebrating our daughter, Lydia’s wedding to her Lennart which took place on August 22.
28 years ago, in 1987, Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich arrived in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, where they settled and pioneered a church with Robert as pastor. Five years later, In 1992, while they were on a visit to the States, the war broke out in Bosnia, and Sarajevo was closed off to all outsiders. They were not able to return. They had all their belongings in their apartment in Sarajevo. When a bomb hit their building, they lost everything they had. In spite of that, they never lost sight of their call to serve Bosnia with the Gospel!
In the ensuing years, they raised four children, worked for The Bridge, Holland, and pastored churches, both in the States and Holland. In 2013, they finally returned to their beloved Sarajevo, settled and pioneered a new church anew in the city. You can find more background information about them at:
Steve and I highly recommend Robert and Sandrina to you as people of faith and integrity, close friends, and partners who need your prayers and financial support. Please mark your gifts 8345 Balkan Workers.THANKS!